Tuesday, March 27, 2007

im sorry - tearful
YOU WIN! - excited
Merry Christmas - Joyful
off we go! - Adventurous
who's there? - Worrisome
heaven - Wonderment

I did all these in photoshop. I tried to use colors and font effects to help portray the emotions.

project 5

I used photoshop to create this flyer. I made up the name "Northwest Oranges". I wanted to give it a sophisticated almost oriental look. I painted the oranges with a caligraphy style pencil tool in photoshop. I added a few different layers for the dots on the oranges and the lighter orange background. I decided on a handrwitten, signature style font that I downloaded from dafonts.com. I realized after I was done that this looks like a logo and not a flyer. when i designed this i was thinking more of a companny advertisement in a magazine or something like that.

I think the font goes well with the picture. They both have a subtle, laid back artistic style to them.

Proximity was used with the placing of the text next to the oranges

Monday, March 19, 2007

LoGo with Transparency



Using a combination of layers, layer styles, and filter effects I was able to create my logo in Photoshop CS2. The colors were chosen using a randomely generated color scheme via Colors On The Web. I utilized symmetry with this logo to keep things clean and simple. I tend to prefer less complicated, cleaner designs over designs with a lot going on. I am not completely satisfied with my logo after finishing it - I think the colors are a little bit too subtle. I think they would fit better with a coffee stand/coffee brand logo.

Attribute Focus: